I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Statistics at the University of Minnesota. I also hold a graduate faculty appointment in Data Science. My primary research interests are in multivariate analysis, numerical optimization, statistical genetics and genomics, and more broadly, statistical and machine learning. Recently, I have focused on single-cell and spatial transcriptomic data analysis. I serve as Associate Editor for Data Science in Science and Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics.
Recent and upcoming talks
Recent and upcoming talks
- (5/25) STATGEN 2025 in Minneapolis, MN
- (11/24) KU Probability and Statistics Conference in Lawrence, KS
- (11/24) ASA SLDS Conference in Newport Beach, CA
- (8/24) Joint Statistical Meeting in Portland, OR
- (7/24) Model-based Clustering Working Group in Bertinoro, Italy
- (5/24) SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra in Paris
- (1/25) Fast and reliable confidence intervals for a variance component accepted at Biometrika
- (1/25) Hyun Jung Koo received the DSI-MnDRIVE Graduate Assistantship Award. Congrats HJ!
- (11/24) Multi-response linear discriminant analysis in high dimensions accepted at Journal of Machine Learning Research
- (10/24) Hongru Zhao's paper, Subspace decompositions for association structure learning in multivariate categorical response regression now available on arXiv
- (8/24) Yisen Jin's paper, Smooth and shape-constrained quantile distributed lag models now available on arXiv
- (7/24) Heterogeneity-aware integrative regression for ancestry-specific association studies accepted at Biometrics
- (7/24) Objective and reliable methods for inference with modern omics data grant awarded by the National Science Foundation (DMS-2413294): this grant will fund our work on methods for analyzing spatially-resolved and single-cell transcriptomic data